Dear Friends,
It is with GREAT joy that I present this CD of prayers, promises and blessings for you to play over your unborn or newly born child. It is my prayer that the Word of God spoken over your baby will bless them and give them hope for a bright future, knowing that they are wanted and welcomed and loved and valued. And it is my hope that as they hear the truth of what God’s Word says about them, they will know it and believe it.
In John 8: 31b-32. (NKJV) Jesus said:
“If you abide in My word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
It’s the truth you know that makes you free. Many of us have not known the truth about who we are and why we are here. We have heard and believed more of what the enemy of our souls has told us than what the Word of God tells us.
My heart is broken every time I hear of or know someone who has been wounded or hurt. Especially when it comes to children! I’ve learned that when we as children, are hurt or abused, we pick up lies about ourselves as a result. For instance, if a child is abused or neglected, they come to believe lies such as they have no value, they aren’t important, they are worthless, that they are shameful or that there’s something wrong with them.
While listening to these special blessings, each child will hear the truth about who he or she is in Christ. They will know, “I am important and I have value.” “There is nothing wrong with me, I am not a mistake!” This album also relays how loved and significant each person is to the Lord and others.
During the last century, scientific research has shown that the unborn child is able to feel, sense, learn and experience happy and sad events. Studies also reveal an intricate link between mother, child and the outside world. Unborn children are aware of their mother’s feelings even before birth! As they mature, they begin to have their own thoughts and emotions, questions and concerns
Life begins at conception-not birth. By the time your little ones have reached full gestation, they have had many experiences in the womb. The studies on newborn recognition are fascinating! Infants begin life outside the womb fully equipped with the ability to discern and respond to their own parent’s individual voices and specific sounds around their homes- even the bark of the family dog!
Can an unborn child really hear and understand?
One might question whether an unborn child can really hear and understand if their ears and brains aren’t fully developed yet. There is much that can be said to address this, but let me just say this: I believe the minute a baby is conceived, there is LIFE which means that the baby’s SPIRIT is in them. It’s our SPIRIT that knows and feels and senses and understands.
I Thessalonians 5:23 says:
Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you COMPLETELY; and may your whole SPIRIT, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We ARE a spirit, we HAVE a soul and we LIVE in a body. All three are affected by everything that goes on in the womb.
Luke 1:44 Elizabeth exclaims:
“For lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the babe in my womb leaped for joy!”
I find it fascinating that a baby in a WOMB, was the first person on earth to acknowledge and respond to Jesus-who was also still in the WOMB! We can also take away from this scripture that he could HEAR and UNDERSTAND while he was in the womb because he LEAPT in the womb when he heard Mary’s voice. It actually says that that Elizabeth heard Mary’s voice, but this tells me that everything she heard, he did too. John heard everything that his mother Elizabeth heard- he was involved and participating alongside his mother!
We know that the heart of a fetus is developed before the brain, and some people think that if their brain hasn’t been formed yet, then how can they learn? How can they know anything or have a memory? Did you know your heart has more neural cells than your brain? This is evidenced when a heart transplant recipient takes on the personality and likes and tastes of the person whose heart they were given. Quantum Physics tells us that all of our cells have memory from conception onward which are stored in the neurons. This is key to understanding how events that happen to a fetus can affect them after they are born, even if they can’t remember it.
One remarkable story of the “cellular memory phenomenon” I heard was of a young girl who received the heart of a girl who had been murdered. The girl who received the heart transplant started having nightmares of being killed by the murderer! She was able to describe the man and even the place and it led the police to find the murderer. That memory was still in the cells of that heart, even after she was dead!!
A paper published by Paul Pearsall and fellow researchers (Pearsall, Schwartz, & Russek, 2002) discussed ten cases of heart or heart-lung transplants. Pearsall had interviewed transplant recipients, their families, and the donor’s family, while Schwartz and Russek examined parallels between the donor and recipient. According to the authors the recipients experienced profound changes in their lifestyles “changes in food, music, art, sexual, recreational, and career preferences, as well as specific instances of perceptions of names and sensory experiences related to the donors” (Pearsall, Schwartz, & Russek, 2002, p. 191).
The Most Recent Study Published:
A cognitive neuroscientist Eino Partanen of the University of Helsinki wrote in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Brainwave patterns show that babies recognize ‘pseudowords’ they heard in the womb. It tells of a study with pregnant women that spoke made up words several times a day during the pregnancy, and after the baby was born, the brainwave patterns indicated that they recognized the word.
As I was reading this online, someone wrote this in the comments. “In the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, it was common for local authorities to take gypsy babies away from their parents and put them out for adoption. Gypsy fathers would play a certain gypsy tune over and over again-on violin or guitar-to their pregnant wives. This way, if their babies were stolen by the non-gypsies, they would wander all over Europe playing that tune in villages and towns. This allowed many of them to find their stolen children because the children would recognize the tune and be drawn to the gypsy playing that tune.”
To read Personal stories of friends of mine who realized some of their issues today as adults stemmed from an event in the womb click here.
What is in the Album and Why:
Now to explain what is in the album and why. Every sentence in there is there for a specific reason and purpose. We are trying to accomplish several goals.
Prayers, of course, for their healthy development in the womb and birth. But otherwise, I’m trying to get the TRUTH in them before the devil starts speaking lies to them. I’ve learned in some prayer ministry training, that with every painful experience, something is believed about what happened to them. If a child is abused or neglected or mistreated, a couple of things can happen. One, they don’t know how to interpret what just happened as they don’t really know and understand everything. Much misinformation is believed through events that aren’t true-but no one knows the child is believing anything so they don’t tell them otherwise. An example could be if the parents get a divorce. I don’t know why it is, but almost 100% of the time, a child will believe that they are to blame for the divorce. If they were just better, or if they’d just been good or behaved, maybe the parents wouldn’t be divorcing. Of course, it’s a lie that they are to blame, but nevertheless, they believe it and for them it is truth.
If a child is molested, they might come away with the belief that there must be something wrong with them, or they are dirty, or they have no value-else why would that person do that to them? So it’s not just the painful event that hurts them, but what they come to believe about themselves through that event. As one man put it, it isn’t the pain of the actual event, but the message in the pain-that hurts. The message is-you’re no good-not worthy-dirty, etc.
I have tried to cover all of the ‘core lies’ that one might believe by stating what God’s word says before they ever hear that lie. So hopefully, if and when they do hear it, they will already have the Word of truth in their spirit!!
We want to answer questions they might have such as “Do I have what it takes? Am I desirable??
Am I wanted? Is there room for me? Will I be cared for? Who Am I and Why Am I Here? So I try to address all these questions as well.
And of course, many of the scriptures that contain Paul’s prayers for the church are prayed over them too.
I wanted to deflect the possible causes of illness by including the answers to them. Many diseases are due to fear, stress and anxiety. We cover a great deal of scriptures about fear in Track 2. Many other illnesses are due to self-rejection and self-hatred. We teach them that they are loved and perfect and valued just the way they are because that’s how God made them.
Other illnesses are due to Unforgiveness towards others and we have many of the prayers of Paul for the church to cover such issues.
I also have included prayers for keeping themselves sexually pure and not putting destructive things (drugs) into their bodies. The statistics of even pre-teens being exposed to pornography and drugs is unbelievably high. A parent’s worst nightmare (other than their child dying) is to see their child hooked on drugs or porn. Because they LOSE their children when that happens. They lose their innocence and joy. It could possibly ruin their entire life because these two things are so very difficult to overcome once you get addicted to them.
The Word of God is powerful. Play this album every day if possible-while doing dishes, or driving, resting, cleaning house, cooking, or other daily routines. As you declare these scriptures and blessings over your child, my prayer is that you will be giving them a great start in life, full of the favor and the blessing of the Lord and that you and your child will encounter God’s presence and feel His perfect love.
Isaiah 55:11 says:
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (NKJV)
With Love,