About Preborn Prodigy

Pre-Born Prodigy is a Christ-centered company on a mission to see generations of people living out their true identity. We produce scripturally sound albums to promote the Kingdom of Heaven in the hearts of children and their parents alike. Through anointed music and inspired prayers, we help families navigate every stage of life with the provision of peace and protection found in God’s Word.

Our prayer is that you would encounter God’s presence and feel His perfect love while you listen to these special albums. May all the promises found in His Word fill your heart with peace and hope, imparting your true identity as one most beloved by your Father in Heaven.

Hello From Our Founder

From Sara Bumgarner, Founder:

I had three seemingly unrelated areas of interest and knowledge that inspired this idea.

The Mind/Body Connection and Spiritual Roots to Disease

The first one is understanding the mind/body connection from a scientific perspective. When my husband and I bought the health food store 28 years ago, I learned how to help people with physical problems by using nutrition and supplements. In the process, I grew to understand the mind/body connection and how our emotions and our thoughts can have negative effects on the physical body because we don’t have a mind separate from our body. What affects the mind affects the body and vice versa. This is illustrated when we are fearful about speaking in front of an audience: We might get butterflies in our stomach, sweat, and/or tremble. Anger can make our blood pressure rise, and we shake and turn red. If we’re frightened, our heart will pound, we might get goose bumps, and our hair can stand on end. We can literally make ourselves sick to get out of doing something we dread. There is research demonstrating that our emotional and psychological states affect the immune, neural, endocrine, digestive, and circulatory systems through chemical messengers called neuropeptides. Whether we are angry or in love, these neuropeptides are released into our body through these emotions and our body is affected.

Along these same lines, I read A More Excellent Way by Henry Wright and attended his week-long seminar called “For My Life,” where I learned about the spiritual roots to disease and how certain sins—that we commit or that are done to us—can affect our physical body. The Bible says, “A merry heart does good, like a medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22). Proverbs 14:30 says that “Envy is rottenness of the bones.” What’s in the bones? Bone marrow! What does the bone marrow do? It makes our red and white blood cells. White blood cells are immune cells, so if the bones dry up, the immune cells dry up. The result is illness and/or immune disorders because the immune system is our defense against disease. This is just one of many examples showing there is a strong correlation between what we think or believe or feel and our physical body from a scriptural standpoint.

Prenatal Research

Secondly, I was influenced by a book I read 20 years ago called The Secret Life of the Unborn Child. This book showed me that there is hard, scientific, uncontestable research proving that an unborn baby is a hearing, sensing, feeling being.

Lay Ministry Training

Thirdly, I was influenced by my training with a certain Prayer Ministry, where I learned that when children are wounded, abused, traumatized or even just overlooked, they oftentimes pick up beliefs about themselves that are untrue. They believe lies like “I have no value,” “I’m defective,” “I’m a mistake,” “There must be something wrong with me.” and on and on the list goes. The lies can affect them for the rest of their lives, even though they don’t realize they are believing them. Even if they did recognize they were believing lies, we could tell them all day long, “You’re very important,” “Of course you have value,” “You’re beautiful,” and so on, but they will not believe it because they feel what they believe, which is that they are somehow unworthy. Only if and when they hear the word of God on this subject and believe it and are transformed by it can they be free from the lies and the consequent physical issues.

The Bible says, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). The truth you know sets you free. These people aren’t believing the truth; they are believing lies.
One day I ‘stumbled upon’ a set of CDs by Arthur Burk entitled, “Nurture in the Womb” and while I was listening to them, we learned of a young woman who was pregnant and wasn’t sure who the father was. Based on what I had learned, I felt sure this baby was going to have some issues and I desperately wanted to prevent them by telling this baby how important and loved and valued and wanted he was. So I wrote out a simple letter to him with a prayer and asked the mom if I could speak it to her unborn child. Then the thought came to me!

Why can’t we get to these children before they were ever hurt, before they were wounded or abused. I thought if I can just get to them first with the truth, maybe when they hear the lie—and believe me, they will hear the lie since Satan doesn’t leave anyone alone—they won’t believe it because they’ll know better. Satan is always trying to hurt children because they are at the most vulnerable time of their life and so he will make things happen that will cause them to believe things that aren’t true. And then once he does that it’s like winding up a toy that just goes on and on and, without intervention, will self-destruct. You see it’s not just the pain of what happened to you, but the message in the pain. If you were physically or sexually abused, there’s that pain at the time of the abuse, but even more is the pain in the message of what happened to you. The message is ‘You are not important, you are worthless, you have no value’. The pain of what happened to them stops when it’s over, but the message lives on and affects not only them but their relationships as well. But if we can get the truth in them before they are ever hurt and before they ever believe these things, then we have prevented that horrible cycle of destruction.

There’s no more perfect place to start than the womb since we know they can hear and learn in the womb. Let’s tell them the truth while they’re in the womb since they can also hear lies in the womb. (Click here to read personal stories of friends of mine who believed lies in the womb and how it affected their lives.)

My Prayers and Blessings for the Unborn Child Album is 55 minutes of speaking life, truth, health and blessing and instruction for living. My prayer is that sickness will be prevented, and even giving into peer pressure will be avoided. If children have low self-esteem or if they believe lies, then they’re easily persuaded to participate in activities that are detrimental to their health, such as taking drugs, drinking alcohol, and being promiscuous.

Coming up with this idea was a process. I was influenced by the mind-body connection and the fact that our emotions affect our physical body. When I learned that we tend to believe lies because of negative events in our lives which can affect us physically and psychologically—and that we can form these beliefs even in the womb—I was motivated to try to help. My hope and prayer is that if they can hear these truths early in life, then they can avoid the many pitfalls life will throw at them and they can live happier, healthier peaceful lives. Isn’t that what we want for ourselves and our children? More than riches or fame, we want our children to have joy in knowing they are valued, important and loved so they can live rich, full, peaceful lives.