In the last century, scientific research has shown how unborn children are able to experience emotional and physical events as all five senses are involved by the earliest stages of life. Taste, touch, and hearing are all formed and functioning within the first trimester. Each of these, along with the later development of sight, help little ones experience the special time in the womb.
Earlier generations believed that each person had a genetic ‘blueprint’ and would develop within those specific DNA boundaries. Therefore, prenatal care was primarily focused on the mother’s diet and physical activity. Today, however, doctors understand the intricate emotional link between parent and child. The mental state of both father and mother has a profound impact on the child in utero. Stress felt and absorbed during crucial developmental stages determine much of the baby’s later mental and physical well-being.
By the time your little ones have reached full gestation, they have become masters of their environment. The studies on newborn recognition are fascinating! Infants begin life outside the womb fully equipped with the ability to discern and respond to their own parent’s individual voices and specific sounds around their homes- even the bark of the family dog! Newborns are calmed by reminders of their previous habitation when overwhelmed by the novelty of their new surroundings.
Preborn Prodigy’s products are revolutionary tools in this regard! The melodies and gentle words of affirmation provide a consistent comfort. While each track is written with your unborn child in mind, we have heard reports of the healing and encouragement taking place for the parents themselves.
The follow-up project, Newborn to 99 Prodigy was created to give your little ones an emotional anchor as well as a familiar comfort tool once they are born. They will recognize the same songs and blessings that provided such relaxation while they were in the womb.
As an added help, Preborn Prodigy has produced a music-only album for nap times and bedtimes. Children and parents alike will benefit from these anointed refrains, ministering to their spirits and souls while their bodies rest.
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