Sara Bumgarner

The Founder

Sara Bumgarner is the founder of Preborn Prodigy. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, and owner of Sara’s Health Foods. A life-long learner, Sara has connected the dots between what scientific reasoning and the Word of God say regarding the spiritual and emotional roots of disease. Sara is a go-to authority on preventative knowledge. Combining 28 years of expertise in the health food industry and proficiency in lay counseling, her greatest joy is found when people gain total freedom from pain – spirit, soul, and body!

  • A former coffee snob, she now enjoys green tea with honey and lemon!
  • She loves the mountains.
  • She loves to read.
  • She loves to travel – especially to Israel.

Emily Smith

The Artist

When not composing and writing music, Emily Smith spends her time with an innovative husband and four courageous and kind daughters on their small Alabama homestead. While she misses her coastal hometown of Naples, she has grown to love the fields and forests of the Appalachian foothills. It has been here that she’s discovered the joys of homeschooling, organic farming, soap making, goat herding, and chicken raising. Nothing beats the sight of a portly hen running downhill.

Besides writing music, Emily likes to travel. In all the world, her favorite destination is Israel. In all of Israel, her favorite place to visit is an obscure little cafe located in the Druze village of
Mas’ada (Golan Heights). One would be hard pressed to find it on a map!

  • She has been a missionary.
  • She went to boarding school and survived.
  • She has biked the ALCAN (Alaska-Canadian) Highway.
  • She is an unapologetic coffee snob.
  • She concocts homemade medicines… and her family is brave enough to try them.

Joshua Smith


Joshua is a Texan living in North Alabama, where he and his wife are raising four dynamic daughters. Joshua loves to write, and is working on a series of novels. He is interested in building healthy family relationships between parents and children, husbands and wives.

  • His favorite season is Autumn, when porch time is at its best!
  • He could live solely on Mediterranean cuisine.
  • As his family’s elected breakfast chef, Joshua is invariably seeking the perfect shakshouka recipe.

Meet The Translators

Preborn Prodigy is blessed to be working with translators around the world to create these albums for babies and children in every language. Click below to meet our incredible translation team.