Born and raised in Israel, Rotem, currently lives in Ra’anana, and is married to a wonderful husband and father. She is the mother of Aviyah (4) and Natan (2)… plus one on the way. She is a health and fitness consultant (Wingate graduate) and loves to go out running or swimming in the morning. She is currently studying child development and wellness at Reidman College in Tel Aviv. Oh yes, and in addition, Rotem assists part-time with the Israeli Messianic Community news website called
Ms. Monika Grosch grew up in Karlsruhe, Germany, by the river Rhine. She initially began studying biology to become a teacher, but decided to apply her skills at practical biology instead (i.e. she married and had children). Ms. Grosch’s son lives in Germany with his wife and three boys in a rural community in the wine-growing region of Rheinland-Pfalz; and her daughter and two additional grandchildren live in Amarillo, Texas.
Born in Singapore and fluent in both Mandarin and English, KeeYean loves to worship The Lord and stays in a close relationship with Jesus. She believes that even before she was born, God has gifted her with a voice to sing and tell stories, a very curious mind and a deep constant desire to learn. While her credentials are in business journalism and televised news, she has a special place in her heart for children and young adults. KeeYean has worked in the non-profit sector to empower communities and, simply put, to make the world a better place.
Jeanie de Wet is a South African girl who spent a wonderful childhood in Mozambique. She credits her parents for a fun-loving home-life and for raising their family of six with the knowledge and love for the Word of God.
As a young adult, Jeanie spent time volunteering in Israel. She continues to work with Ebenezer South Africa- a ministry that helps Jewish people return to their ancient homeland.
Currently, Jeanie works as a financial assistant in Mozambique while furthering her education in Computer Science and Language.
Jeanie’s heart desire is to know Him and to be known by Him. She loves music, values different cultures and people, and especially delights in every opportunity for adventure on this beautiful planet that the Lord gave us to inhabit and enjoy.
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