The following are true stories of people I know that were affected by events while they were in the womb.
One of the first stories I heard was a man who was born bleeding out of his kidneys. He had almost died twice from kidney failure. He has been plagued with kidney problems all his life. He went to God about it and after a season of prayer and fasting, he said it was like he was back in his mother’s womb and he heard her thoughts. What he heard was her thinking, ‘As soon as I have this baby, he’s going to start beating me again.’ And fear entered him. His research into spiritual roots to disease led him to learn that fear affects the kidneys. He also said that everything that happens to us affects our cells. He then asked the question, “What was going on with YOUR mother when she was pregnant with you?” OMG! It was like a light bulb went off for me about myself.
Allow me to back up. I have a skin condition called granuloma anulare. It is benign-and doesn’t bother me very much other than the way it looks. I’ve studied Henry Wright’s teachings in his book entitled, “A More Excellent Way” and we went to his weeklong intensive seminar, For MY Life that teaches the Spiritual roots to disease. I was firmly convinced that he was right and that my skin condition was due to fear, stress and anxiety. Now mind you, I’m not a fearful person really. I’m not afraid of the dark or storms, or heights, etc. But I do seem to have ‘something’ that keeps me uptight! All my family and close friends recognize there’s something ‘off’ about my inability to relax, but they have learned to overlook it. (Did they really have a choice? ☺) But just knowing the root cause didn’t get me set free from it. We prayed and had a spirit of fear cast out and did everything I knew to do to get rid of it. But I never could figure out where it came from. Now I know. When my mother was 8 months pregnant with me, my Dad was in a very serious car wreck. He had just taken my mom and older siblings to Kansas to stay with her mother for a week. He left early on Monday morning coming back home to work when a man turned left in front of him just as he topped a hill. He had broken collar bones, crushed knees, broken ribs and shoulder and so much more! At the hospital, the doctor calls my mom in Liberal and tells her what happened and she is freaking out on the other end of the phone!! My dad could tell she was and that the doctor was frightening her with what he was telling her about Dad’s injuries and what surgeries he would need. Keep in mind that Mom had 2 small children and another one on the way and almost lost her husband! Well, I knew that must have been where the fear, stress and anxiety came from. One day while in a time of prayer about this, I felt I heard MY mother’s thoughts while I was in the womb and they were, “Is everything going to be ok? Is everything going to be all right?” And I realized THOSE were the very thoughts that kept me in a state of uptightness!!!! That was EXACTLY my thoughts too although I had never realized it or seen it before then. I just knew I was uptight!
When I told a couple of friends the stories I had read about in all my research, their eyes would light up and I could tell something was going on in their heads. One friend related to me her story: Her mother had gone into labor with her, and her dad had just bought a new fancy car, and he said, “We’re not going in my brand new car because if you have the baby on the way, you’ll ruin my car!” so they took an older car and guess what?? It had a flat tire on the way!! They made it to the hospital in time though. Well, this girl, not even knowing this had happened until many years later, would always say to her mom, ‘Doesn’t daddy even care that I’m here? Doesn’t he even love me?” And her mom would just be beside herself wondering why on earth she would say or even think such a thing!! He adored her!! She would ask her, “Why do you say that? Of course he loves you!” She never knew why-it wasn’t because he didn’t treat her well-he was very loving-but yet she always felt he didn’t love her. Even when she heard of the car incident, she didn’t relate it to that. It wasn’t until I told her about my experience and research that she put two and two together to realize THAT was where it was coming from. Another interesting note-she was always afraid to learn how to drive!! She was afraid she would have a wreck and ‘ruin the car’. WOW!
Another friend told me this story. She was raised in a Christian home to wonderful parents and had never had anything bad happen. But yet for as long as she can remember, she has always had this nagging fear that something bad was going to happen and someone was going to die. Every time her husband, or sons, or anyone close went anywhere, she worried that something bad would happen and they would die. She never could figure out why she did this as she had never lost anyone before. Then she told me that her Mom had miscarried a child right before she conceived her! She wondered if her MOM had worried that something bad was going to happen and she would lose this baby also and that is where HER fears came in? Sounds reasonable to me.
During the last century, scientific research has shown that the unborn child is able to feel, sense, learn and experience happy and sad events. Studies also reveal an intricate link between mother, child and the outside world. Unborn children are aware of their mother’s feelings even before birth! As they mature, they begin to have their own thoughts and emotions, questions and concerns.
Life begins at conception-not birth. By the time your little ones have reached full gestation, they have had many experiences in the womb. The studies on newborn recognition are fascinating! Infants begin life outside the womb fully equipped with the ability to discern and respond to their own parent’s individual voices and specific sounds around their homes- even the bark of the family dog!
There is much more that can be said to address this, but let me just say this: I believe the minute a baby is conceived, there is LIFE which means that the baby’s SPIRIT is in them. It’s our SPIRIT that knows and feels and senses and understands.
Luke 1:44 Elizabeth exclaims, “For lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the babe in my womb leaped for joy!”
I find it fascinating that a baby in a WOMB, was the first person on earth to acknowledge and respond to Jesus-who was also still in the WOMB! We can also take away from this scripture that he could HEAR and UNDERSTAND while he was in the womb because he LEAPT in the womb when he heard Mary’s voice. John heard everything that his mother Elizabeth heard- he was involved and participating alongside his mother!
My prayer is that as you allow your unborn child to hear “Prayers and Blessings for the Unborn Child” that your baby would know that he or she is loved, wanted, welcomed, important, valuable and that they have a purpose and a destiny!
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