See What People Are Saying About Preborn Prodigy

Precious Gift That Keeps On Giving

The Word of God is so powerful and crucial to life and it’s never too early to start learning and hearing the Lord’s promises that He has for all of us. As my child rests, it’s so comforting to know that my son is not only hearing the Word of God but also soaking in His presence as the music plays during his sleep. And I love how this cd not only blesses me as I listen, but speaks life over the baby growing in my womb as well. This cd is a precious gift that keeps on giving!

Taylor Polstra

Happy Customer

Love What You're Doing

There are so many feelings that come along with knowing my baby is getting the Word even in the womb. My prayer throughout this pregnancy has been that I have a child who, even at birth, has a heart for Jesus and finds peace in knowing that He is always there. And that as he grows up, his passion for the Lord only gets stronger. And I feel this CD is helping to accomplish just that. It truly warms my heart to know that he is hearing the Word even in the womb! I absolutely LOVE what you’re doing. It’s such a blessing!

Allison Peery

Happy Customer

Wonderful CD

What a wonderful CD…the scriptures chosen, the anointed music, spoken with a loving voice…a MASTERPIECE!

David Alsobrook

Sure Word Ministries

Speaking Life Into My Preborn Child

I’ve been pondering the idea of the tracks over the last few days and coming to grasp with the importance of these tracks more and more. I initially liked the idea but was a little overwhelmed at making the commitment to listen everyday…but I think the Father is setting me up for this as we just happened to be listening to the book “the power of praise and worship” by Terry Law. In it he talks about the different weapons we’ve been given as believers and how the only offensive weapon we’ve been given is the word of God. He uses the example of satan tempting Yeshua and every time Yeshua comes back to him with a quote from the word of God and how it puts Satan in his place. I love the fact that the words in the script are directly from the scriptures and it is reaffirming and speaking life directly into my preborn child as well as my other post born children. I like the idea of all of my children listening and believing the truths of the scripture as there is so much anti-scriptural lies that this world tries to drown them in.

Speaking Life Into My Preborn Child

I LOVE the CD!!!!! I was SOOOOO impressed (as was my husband Shea!!) I want to buy one for another girl I know who is pregnant. The first time we listened to it, peace just filled our car and Brydan (son) went to sleep instantly. I would recommend it to anybody and Emri (newborn daughter) will be listening to it at night (as soon as she’s in her own room). Shea said he would like to just listen to it around the house for himself! There’s nothing more anointed than listening to Scriptures, and the lady’s voice was so calming! Do you have another one for after the baby is born? Shea said he will help promote it any way we can!

Candace Summach

Cornerstone Church

Buying This For All My Grandchildren

I wish I’d had this when my children were babies! The albums from Pre-Born Prodigy provide the perfect music to create a peaceful cocoon atmosphere for the nursery. Along with diapers and cute little outfits, this heavenly music and narration needs to be on the list at every baby shower! I’m buying this for all my grandchildren…and one for myself, as well!

D.H. Withers

Happy Customer

Buying This For All My Grandchildren

I cried the first time I heard this CD. I didn’t cry because I was sad or disappointed. I cried because I could sense God’s anointing on it. The confessions and prayers are right along with God’s Word, and where His Word is, His presence and power will be! I was so pleased to have another resource that backed what we were already confessing over our daughter on a daily basis while she was in my womb. I now play the second CD for our daughter and it ministers to BOTH of us! I highly recommend these CDs!

Christa Heider Madrid

Happy Customer

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